4041 through 4060 of 4551 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameLast Name of SellerFirst Name of SellerLast Name of BuyerFirst Name of BuyerLast Name of ArchitectFirst Name of ArchitectLast Name of Second ArchitectFirst Name of Second ArchitectCorporate NameSecond Corporate NameArchitectural Firm NameSubdivision NameAddress
DetailsKirkpatrickT.Blue Ridge Terrace
DetailsKlauberAnsonAlta Dena
DetailsKleinJ.Maritz & Young, Inc.15 Wydown Terrace
DetailsKnappGeorgeKlipstein & RathmannUpper Ladue Road
DetailsKnightHarrywest side of Warson Road, south of Clayton Road; 2601 Warson Road
DetailsKnightHarrySteinbergMarkWarson Road south of Clayton Road; [2601 Warson Road]
DetailsKnightHenry2601 Warson Road
DetailsKnobelochW.5234 Highland Ave.
DetailsKoernerC.Nolte & NaumanMoorlands7445 Parkdale Ave.
DetailsKolmC.Maritz & YoungCountry Life Acressouth side of Clayton Road west of Ballas Road
DetailsKoplarSamBradshawPrestonEmbassy apartment buildingsoutheast corner of Union Blvd. and Washington Ave.; 530 Union Blvd.
DetailsKopmanJosephPoppOliverAdelaide Apartmentsnortheast corner of Kingsbury and Adelaide Ave.
DetailsKraegerA.DennyRobertGeo. R. Bartling, Inc.Moorlands Addition7403 York Drive
DetailsKramerJack598 East Essex
DetailsKrampPaulWillmeringGeorgeUniversity Hills
DetailsKrausGeorge265 Blackmer Place
DetailsKrausseE.University Hills7351 Teasdale Ave.
DetailsKrebsJ.Clayton and Lay Roads; 9057 Clayton Road
DetailsKrebsOttoNolte & Nauman11 Dromara Road
DetailsKreyFredNolte & Nauman5745 Lindell Blvd.