401 through 420 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsKirkwood Seminarynorthwest corner of North Webster Ave. (now North Kirkwood Road) and West Adams Ave.
DetailsOakwood Hotelnorthwest corner of North Webster Ave. (now North Kirkwood Road) and West Adams Ave.
DetailsMasonic Lodge of Kirkwood
DetailsKirkwood Bank
DetailsGrace Episcopal Church
DetailsKirkwood Seminary
DetailsKirkwood Association
DetailsMitchell-Engle-Otis House400 Miriam Ave.
DetailsMooreland850 Rochdale Drive
DetailsRosemann Cottage747 North Harrison Ave.
DetailsSt. Peter's Catholic Church
DetailsOlive Chapel of the African Methodist Episcopal Church330 West Washington Ave.; southwest corner of Harrison and Monroe Aves.
DetailsFirst Presbyterian Church of Kirkwood
DetailsEliot Chapel
DetailsHistory House549 East Argonne Drive
DetailsOld Grace Church-Eliot Unitarian Chapel106 South Taylor Ave.
DetailsMudd's Grove302 West Argonne Drive
DetailsGill House419 East Argonne Drive
DetailsGreystone Lodge348 Geyer Forest
DetailsHoch Farm1301 West Adams Ave.