401 through 420 of 1642 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameBusiness NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsParker-Russell Mining & Manufacturing Company711 Pine St.
DetailsParlin, Orendorff & Bauer120 North Main St.
DetailsPauly Jail Building and Manufacturing Company2215 DeKalb St.
DetailsPelton Bros. & Co.717 South 6th St.
DetailsPennsylvania Lumber Companysouthwest corner 4th & Market Sts.
DetailsPentland & Hahn944 North Main St.
DetailsPetton & Kluegel827-831 South Broadway
DetailsPhilibert & Johanning Manufacturing Company1502 Market St.
DetailsPioneer Steam Keg Works Company2212 DeKalb St.
DetailsPitchford Land and Cattle Company
DetailsPlant Seed Company812 & 814 North 4th St.
DetailsPlanters' House4th, Pine & Chestnut Sts.
DetailsPlanters' Tobacco Warehouse11th & Spruce Sts.
DetailsPlatt & Thornburgh
DetailsPlatt & Thornburgh Paint and Glass Company620 Franklin Ave., corner of 7th St.
DetailsPond Engineering Company707 & 709 Market St.
DetailsPoultry Record304 Olive St.
DetailsPullis Bros.
DetailsR.G. Dun & Co.Pine & 3rd Sts.