401 through 420 of 2867 source records
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DetailsMaiden NameFirst NameLast NameBusiness NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsHildenbrandt & Noble1002 Chestnut St.
DetailsHill, Fontaine & Co.
DetailsHilmer-Scheitlin Commission Company824 North 3rd St.
DetailsHippard Coal Co.
DetailsHodges & McCarthy6457 Florissant Ave.
DetailsHoke Engraving Plate Co.304 North 3rd St.
DetailsHolladay-Klotz Land & Lumber Co.
DetailsHollrah & Dieckmann1234-1238 South 7th St.
DetailsHolman Paper Box Company8th & Walnut Sts.
DetailsHoltgrewe-Vornbrock Furniture Companycorner of 10th & Howard Sts.
DetailsHome Life Insurance Company of New York
DetailsHomes & Kaime
DetailsHouston, Stanwood & Gamble Co.811 North 2nd St.
DetailsHoyt Metal Company
DetailsHughes & Stone108-110 North 10th St.
DetailsHull & Cozzens
DetailsHunter Bros.
DetailsHurst Neckwear Co.
DetailsHuse & Loomis Ice and Transportation Company
DetailsHuse, Loomis & Co.