41 through 60 of 1428 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameAddress
DetailsOld Orchard Public School724 East Big Bend Road
DetailsEmpire Meat Market9 North Gore Ave.
DetailsOld Orchard Congregational ChurchAmelia & Fairlawn
DetailsHenry Schulz Feed Co.Church & Marshall Aves.
DetailsSt. Louis County Gas Co.Gore & Pacific Aves.
DetailsWestern Anthracite Coal and Coke Co.Gore Ave. & Missouri Pacific Railway
DetailsWebster Laundry CompanyOld Orchard Ave. near Lockwood Ave.
DetailsTuxedo Park Christian ChurchTuexdo Blvd. & Bompart Ave.
DetailsAbelOliver310 East Chestnut Ave.
DetailsAdamsBart17 West Lockwood Ave.
DetailsAdamsJ.341 South Selma Ave.
DetailsAisemanWalter225 South Old Orchard Ave.
DetailsAldrichCourtney1 North Gore Ave.
DetailsAlgoetA.21 East Edmondson Ave.
DetailsAlgoetAbramson20 North Gore Ave.
DetailsAllenCaroline23 West Lockwood Ave.
DetailsAllenHarry33 South Maple Ave.
DetailsAllenJames24 South Plant Ave.
DetailsAllenJoseph557 North Holland Ave.