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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingCorporate NameAddress
DetailsM.J. Ward & Co.3429 Olive St.
DetailsRingen Stove Co.414 & 416 North Broadway; 819 & 829 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsMesker & Brother421-519 South 6th St.
DetailsThos. Taylor & Son4552 Westminster Place
DetailsKupferle Bros. Manufacturing Co.600-604 North 2nd St.
DetailsEquitable Building6th & Locust Sts.
DetailsLiberty Iron Works819-823 South 3rd St.
DetailsConvent of the Ladies of VisitationCabanne Place
DetailsCarthage Marble and White Lime Co.Chouteau & Vandeventer Aves.
DetailsI. Haas Publishing & Engraving Companycorner 6th & Locust Sts.; 618-622 North 2nd St.; 304 North 8th St.
DetailsHayden Slate Co.corner Locust & 12th Sts.
DetailsLewis Place
DetailsScholastic Building, St. Louis UniversityLindell Ave.
DetailsSt. Louis Granite Wall Plaster Co.Sarpy Ave., east of Manchester Ave.
DetailsF.O. Sawyer Paper Co.southwest corner 3rd & Locust Sts.
DetailsH.F. Gruetzemacher & Co.southwest corner 9th & Olive Sts.
DetailsBarrJoe5898 Cabanne Place