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DetailsBuilding NameSecond Building NameAddress
Details6703 Schofield Place
Details6759 Garner Ave.
Details6846 Bleek Ave.
Details6931 Bruno Ave.
Details6964-6966 Pernod Ave.
Details6981 Marquette Ave.
Details7 & 9 North 3rd St.
Details7-9-11-13 South 6th St.
Details70 Vandeventer Place
Details705-707 Howard St.
Details706-708-710-712 North Jefferson Ave.
Details7114-7116-7118-7120 Minnesota Ave.
Details712 Whittier St.
Details7125 Manchester Ave.
Details726 Oakwood Ave.
Details731-733 South 2nd St.
Details7441 Flora Ave.
Details7560 Comfort Ave.
Details759-761 Aubert Ave.
Details76 Vandeventer Place