381 through 400 of 3310 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst Name2nd Last Name2nd First NameBusiness NameOther Business NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsDeatherage, Chinn & Co.513 & 515 North 2nd St.
DetailsDeCamp Brothers & Yule Iron, Coal & Coke Co.Missouri Trust Building
DetailsDeeds & Manley200 & 202 South 8th St.
DetailsDelafield & SnowThird National Bank Building415 & 417 Olive St.
DetailsDelmar Cleaning and Pressing ClubWeinstein, F.4950 Delmar Blvd.; 4953 1/2 Delmar Blvd.
DetailsDelmar Limit Buildingsoutheast corner Limit & Delmar Aves.; 6246-6248-6250-6252-6254 Delmar Ave.; 554-556-558 Limit Ave.
DetailsDelmar Manufacturing Co.1209 Washington Ave.
DetailsDelvan Fashion Co.628-630 North Vandeventer Ave.
DetailsDempsey-Tegeler & Co.10th & Locust
DetailsDerby Desk Company
DetailsDesnoyers-Courtney Shoe Co.1005 & 1007 Washington Ave.; northeast corner Lucas Ave. & 21st St.
DetailsDexter Folder CompanyRailway Exchange Building
DetailsDey Time Register Company
DetailsDingman & Co.602 North 4th St.
DetailsDinks L. Parrish's Laundry3126-3128 Olive St.
DetailsDinks Parrish's Laundry3126-3128 Olive St.
DetailsDodson-Braun Branch, National Pickle and Canning Co.
DetailsDodson-Braun Manufacturing Co.3rd & Cedar St.; 6th & Gratiot
DetailsDolan Co.6401 Manchester Ave.
DetailsDomestic Laundry Co.320 & 322 Blase Ave.; 3520 Franklin Ave.