3601 through 3620 of 4551 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameLast Name of SellerFirst Name of SellerLast Name of BuyerFirst Name of BuyerLast Name of ArchitectFirst Name of ArchitectLast Name of Second ArchitectFirst Name of Second ArchitectCorporate NameSecond Corporate NameArchitectural Firm NameSubdivision NameAddress
DetailsAldenA.436 Algonquin Place
DetailsAlewelF.Maritz & Young, Inc.north side of Lindell Drive just east of Skinker Road; [6145 Lindell Blvd.]
DetailsAlexanderJosephOlive Street Road near Walton Road
DetailsAllenCecilChesterfield Apartmentsnortheast corner of Waterman Ave. and Union Blvd.; 5295 Waterman Blvd.
DetailsAloeLouisStreettJ.36 Kingsbury Place
DetailsAltheimerBen7106 Maryland Drive
DetailsAltwaterW.2732 Delor Court
DetailsAmbroSam5034 Daggett Ave.
DetailsAmbrusterRobertnortheast corner of Clayton Road and Concordia Drive; 6633 Clayton Road
DetailsAmbrusterRobertClayton Road and Concordia Lane; 6633 Clayton Road
DetailsAndersonOliverMaritz & Young, Inc.9530 Ladue Road
DetailsAndersonOliverPerkinsA.6343 Ellenwood Ave.
DetailsAndrewsGeorgeStudy & Farrar
DetailsAngelichGeorgeBradshawPreston415 Washington Ave.
DetailsAngertEugeneKent Road near Clayton Road
DetailsAppleLewisNolte & Naumaneast side of Denny Road north of Manchester Road
DetailsArmisteadThomasHendersonGaleMosley and Ladue Roads; 120 North Mosley Road