361 through 380 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsKirkwood Chamber of Commerce
DetailsAssociated Garden Clubs of Kirkwood, Missouri
DetailsSt. Louis Horticultural Society
DetailsPalace filling stationnorthwest corner of Denny and Manchester Roads
DetailsRoedel Brothers Inc.
DetailsLinders MarketWoodlawn and Manchester
DetailsLincoln Tavern
DetailsInternational Harvester truck dealership
DetailsKirkwood Florist Shop
DetailsEmil A. Krueger blacksmith shop70 feet south of the southwest corner of Denny (now Kirkwood) Road and Manchester Road
DetailsTwenty-Five Gardeners
DetailsAssociated Garden Clubs of Kirkwood
DetailsRowena Clark Garden Club [Rowena Clarke Garden Club]
DetailsDavid Prough and Son feed storeNorth Webster Ave.
DetailsPeter Prough feed store
DetailsKirkwood Hotelnortheast corner of South Webster Ave. (Kirkwood Road) and Madison Ave.
DetailsSuburban Home & Auto Supply
DetailsWeiss Auto & Radio Supply
DetailsOsage Hills
DetailsMeramec Highlands