3521 through 3540 of 4551 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameLast Name of SellerFirst Name of SellerLast Name of BuyerFirst Name of BuyerLast Name of ArchitectFirst Name of ArchitectLast Name of Second ArchitectFirst Name of Second ArchitectCorporate NameSecond Corporate NameArchitectural Firm NameSubdivision NameAddress
DetailsRueckertHermanUniversity Park7266 Princeton Ave.
DetailsGartnerJohn7436 Cromwell Drive
DetailsBranscome Hotel5370 Pershing Ave.
DetailsWoerner Public SchoolIron St. and Leona Ave.
DetailsGeserichL.WrightArthur7124 Kingsbury Blvd.
DetailsDeasonRobertUniversity Park7147 Cambridge Ave.
DetailsDubinskyJacksoutheast corner of Skinker Blvd. and Pershing Ave.
Details1514 Gregg Ave.
DetailsMidwest Motors Co.southeast corner of Locust Blvd. and Leonard Ave, at the Lindell-Locust cutoff; 3224 Locust St.
DetailsHab Realty Co.Welsh-Hartman Co.southwest corner of 11th and Palm Sts.
Details7224 Chamberlain Ave.
DetailsHoly Family Churchsouthwest corner of Clayton Road and the Kirkwood-Ferguson car line
DetailsKidderLeeAvisBennett7011 Washington Ave.
DetailsSippleWilliamMcKinleySilas36 West Brentmoor
DetailsMurphyLouisSaum, architects and buildersMoorlands7451 Buckingham Drive
DetailsCroskreyGeorgeTarlingJuliusBel Nor Addition2913 Moniteau Drive
DetailsKroemeke Furniture Co.2006 Salisbury St.
DetailsDe Paul Hospitalnorthwest corner of Kingshighway and Spalding Ave.
DetailsKiburz FurnitureLincoln Home Furnishers1824-1826 South Broadway; 1105-1107-1109 Olive
DetailsL.M. Stewart, Inc.Locust Blvd. and 32nd St.; 3224 Locust St.