341 through 360 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsKirkwood Sash & Door Company
DetailsKirkwood City Hall
DetailsMeramec Highlands
DetailsSunset Pagoda
DetailsEden Park
DetailsGreenbriar Country Club
DetailsColumbia (excursion boat)
DetailsMcCulloh & Rode Garage118 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsKirkwood Trust Company
DetailsHolekamp Lumber Co.Main Street and Kirkwood Road
DetailsWilliam Wilson & Son208 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsPhillips' Prescription PharmacyKirkwood Road and Jefferson Ave.
DetailsThe Vogue Shop121 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsCrow DrugsKirkwood Road and Main St.
DetailsKirkwood Livery Co.Jefferson Ave. between Kirkwood Road and Clay Ave.
DetailsBuechner Bros. Shoe Repairing210 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsSchutze's Photographic Studio209a North Kirkwood Road
DetailsLuepken & MigneronWest Main St.
DetailsKirkwood Courier208 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsKerth's Food Store and Dry Goods Department225-227-229 North Kirkwood Road