321 through 340 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsEdward F. Schulte & Son Hardware Store
DetailsHeinzelmann Building
DetailsA&P grocery store124 West Jefferson Ave.
DetailsKirkwood Hardware
DetailsHowell Hardware Store
DetailsJames Howell & Son115 North Kirkwood Road
DetailsF.W. Woolworth Company
DetailsHowell Painting and Decorating Company214 1/2 South Kirkwood Road
DetailsSt. Louis Picture Frame Company
DetailsMeier's Antiques
DetailsOsage Theatre
DetailsSt. Joseph HospitalCouch Ave.
DetailsKirkwood Trust Company
DetailsGreenbriar Country Club
DetailsO.K. Hatchery
DetailsHeege BuildingKirkwood Road and Madison
DetailsHeinzelmann BuildingClay and Argonne
DetailsWoodlawn Country Club
DetailsMarine HospitalCouch Ave.
Details817 Ballas