3121 through 3140 of 3310 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst Name2nd Last Name2nd First NameBusiness NameOther Business NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsSidesS.2600 Olive St., corner Jefferson Ave.
DetailsSieberCharles306 & 308 Olive St.
DetailsSimpkinH.H. Simpkin Ladies' Tailoring Co.4398 Olive St.
DetailsSimpkinsGeo.Geo. W. Simpkins & Co.120 Pine St.
DetailsSlaybackO.810 Olive St.
DetailsSloanF.Maxwell Bros.1422-1430 North Broadway
DetailsSloanF.1422-1430 North Broadway
DetailsSmithAlex.Alex. H. Smith & Co.42 North 2nd St.
DetailsSmithF.F. Smith & Son Grocer Co.521-524 North 2nd St., between Vine & Washington Ave.
DetailsSmithF.4102 Westminster Place
DetailsSmithGeo.3317a Franklin Ave.
DetailsSmithH.H. M. Smith Mercantile Co.3939 Delmar Ave.
DetailsSmithJackson817 & 819 North 5th St.
DetailsSmithJas.Jas. A. Smith & Sons Ice & Fuel Co.2nd & North Market St.; 3rd & Mound St.; 20th & Hickory St.; 18th & Clark Ave.
DetailsSmithWalterWalter M. Smith & Co.200 North Main St.
DetailsSmithersI.northwest corner 9th & chestnut; northwest corner 10th & Olive
DetailsSolomonS.613 Washington Ave.; northwest corner 9th & Lucas Ave.
DetailsSombartC.SombartJ.Boonville Mills
DetailsSpearJamesClark Ave. & 9th St., foot of Rutgers & 2nd
DetailsSpeckL.SpeckC.L. & C. Speck & Co.211 North Main St., between Olive & Pine