3061 through 3080 of 3310 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst Name2nd Last Name2nd First NameBusiness NameOther Business NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsSanderEnnoEnno Sander Chemical Manufacturing Co.209-213 Myrtle St.; 218 Myrtle St.
DetailsSaulL.L. M. Saul & Co.
DetailsSauvageW.W. M. Sauvage Adv. and Bill Posting Co.
DetailsScalzoV.V. Scalzo, Son & Co.900 North 3rd St.
DetailsScarrittSanford609-613 North 4th St., near Washington Ave.
DetailsScarrittSanford609-613 North 4th St.
DetailsSchaefferN.112-116 Locust St. (old nos. 28 & 30), between Main & 2nd St.
DetailsSchawackerC.414-418 South 3rd St.
DetailsSchawackerChrist414-418 South 3rd St.
DetailsSchelbrinkJos.Lafayette Brush Manufactory1813 South Broadway
DetailsSchifferleF.1244 South Broadway
DetailsSchleicherF.F. J. Schleicher Paper Box Co.1811 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsSchlosssteinGeorge202 Market St.
DetailsSchlosssteinvon Joh.
DetailsSchmidtAlbert7th & Olive
DetailsSchmidtOtto821 Market St.
DetailsSchmidtOtto821 Market St.
DetailsScholtenJohn1312-1314 Olive St.
DetailsScholtenJohnScholten's Photograph Gallery920 & 922 Olive St., southeast corner 10th & Olive St.