301 through 320 of 20623 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsD. Prough & Son
DetailsSchwartzenbach Bros.
DetailsSlinkard Grocery Co.
DetailsKirkwood Manufacturing Co.
DetailsAlbright & Grubb
DetailsKirkwood Building and Loan Association
DetailsQueen City Bakery
DetailsPitman Building125 South Kirkwood Road
DetailsKirkwood Masonic Lodge
DetailsModel Drug House
DetailsKirkwood Pharmacy
DetailsSchulte Hardware Store125 South Kirkwood Road; 139 West Jefferson Ave.
DetailsR. Pagenstecher's Gents' Furnishings
DetailsRohrbach's Grocery
DetailsMars-McIntyre Drug Store
DetailsPagenstecher's Parlor Store
DetailsPagenstecher Mercantile Company
DetailsR. Pagenstecher's Dry Goods and Notions
DetailsCronin Hardware Store136 South Webster Ave.
DetailsWeiss Auto Supply Store