2901 through 2920 of 3310 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst Name2nd Last Name2nd First NameBusiness NameOther Business NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsNelsonN.N. O. Nelson & Co.8th & St. Charles St.
DetailsNelsonN.N. O. Nelson & Co.8th & St. Charles Sts.
DetailsNelsonN.N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co.8th & St. Charles St.
DetailsNelsonN.N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co.
DetailsNelsonN.N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co.928 Chestnut St.
DetailsNelsonN.N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co.10th & Chestnut Sts.
DetailsNelsonN.N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co.8th & St. Charles St.
DetailsNelsonN.N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co.
DetailsNelsonN.N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co.10th & Chestnut Sts.
DetailsNelsonN.N. O. Nelson Manufacturing Co.
DetailsNeumannJohnJohn G. Neumann Co.
DetailsNewmanM.3720 Olive St.
DetailsNicholsonDavidMarket St., between 4th & 5th; 23 & 25 South 4th St.; 22 & 24 South 4th St.; 13 & 15 North 6th St.; 106 & 108 North 6th St.; 10 & 12 North 2nd St.
DetailsNicholsonDavid13 & 15 North 4th St.
DetailsNicholsonDavidnortheast corner of 4th & Market Sts.
DetailsNicholsonDavidnortheast corner of 4th & Market Sts.
DetailsNicholsonDavidnortheast corner of 4th & Market Sts.
DetailsNicholsonDavidMarket St., between 4th & 5th
DetailsNicholsonDavidMarket St., between 4th & 5th
DetailsNicholsonDavidnortheast corner of 4th & Market Sts.