2881 through 2900 of 3310 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst Name2nd Last Name2nd First NameBusiness NameOther Business NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsMorganWm.Morgan, E. & W.107 4th St.; 58 Vine St., between 3rd & 4th
DetailsMoritzC.1126 South 4th St.
DetailsMorrisM.507 South 4th St.
DetailsMorrisonRobertjunction of old & new Manchester roads
DetailsMorrisonWm.12th St., between Market & Clark Ave.
DetailsMorrisonWm.Wm. Morrison & Co.100 South 12th St.
DetailsMoserJohnJohn Moser & Co.812 Pine St.
DetailsMuddHenryHenry T. Mudd & Co.102 2nd St.
DetailsMuellerP.P. Mueller Ice Co.929 LaBeaume St.
DetailsMullallyJohnJohn Mullally & Co.108 & 109 South Levee, between Walnut & Elm St.
DetailsMullenW.W. P. Mullen & Co.W. A. Thornburgh & Co.114 Olive St.
DetailsMullerE.1427 Market St., between 14th & 15th St.
DetailsMurphyP.P. C. Murphy Trunk Co.504 & 506 North 3rd St.
DetailsMurphyP.P. C. Murphy Trunk Co.504 & 506 North 3rd St.; 612 Washington Ave.
DetailsMurrellJos.Jos. P. Murrell's Sons1322 Market St.; 2637 & 2639 Hickory St.
DetailsMyersR.3711-3713 North Broadway
DetailsNeffJ.J. W. Neff Law and Collection Co.Century Building
DetailsNelsonA.A. M. Nelson Paint Co.701 & 703 North 2nd St.
DetailsNelsonMurryMurry Nelson & Company