2841 through 2860 of 3310 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst Name2nd Last Name2nd First NameBusiness NameOther Business NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsMeierJohn4th St. near Morgan
DetailsMeierJohnJohn J. Meier & Co.206-208 Market St.
DetailsMeisterA.A. Meister & Co.2814 Olive St.
DetailsMekeelC.C. H. Mekeel Stamp Publishing Co.1007-1011 Locust St.; 3911-3923 Morgan St.
DetailsMellierA.600 North Main St.; 709 & 711 Washington Ave.
DetailsMerrillJ.J. W. Merrill & Son Co.The Illinois Item
DetailsMerwinJ.704 Chestnut St.; 17 & 19 North 11th St.
DetailsMerwinJ.704 Chestnut St.
DetailsMerwinJ.704 Chestnut St.
DetailsMerwinJ.J. B. Merwin School Supply Co.
DetailsMessmerFerd.Ferd. Messmer Manufacturing Co.2700-2704 South 7th St.; 10 South Broadway
DetailsMessmerFerd.Ferd. Messmer Manufacturing Co.10 South Broadway; 2700-2704 South 7th St.
DetailsMeyerAdolphAdolph Meyer Livery & Undertaking Co.Phoenix Livery Stable601, 603 & 605 Park Ave.; 1334 & 1336 South 7th St., near Park Ave.
DetailsMeyerFerd.212 South 3rd St.
DetailsMeyerJohnJohn F. Meyer & Sons
DetailsMeyerJulius2 Main St., northeast corner of Main & Market St.
DetailsMeyerLeopold826 Market St.
DetailsMichaelGeo.80 4th St., near Locust
DetailsMichaelGeo.80 4th St., near Locust