281 through 300 of 1642 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameBusiness NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsJacob Straus Saddlery Company410-414 North 6th St.
DetailsJames A. Smith & Sons Ice and Fuel Company7th & Franklin Ave.
DetailsJames A. Wright & Sons Carriage CompanyWashington Ave., corner of 19th St.
DetailsJames Cunningham, Son & Company1104 & 1106 Washington Ave.
DetailsJames Edwards & Co.204 North 3rd St.
DetailsJames Stewart & Co.4th & Market Sts.
DetailsJohansen Bros.1100 Olive St.
DetailsJohn Byrne, Jr., & Co.618 Chestnut St.
DetailsJohn Garnett & Co.
DetailsJohn J. Ganahl Lumber Company
DetailsJohn Plate & Co.
DetailsJohn Wahl & Co.southeast corner of Main & Market Sts.
DetailsJohnson & Sawyer
DetailsJos. M. Hayes Woolen Company617-621 Washington Ave.
DetailsJos. S. Jones & Co.
DetailsJos. Winkel Terra Cotta Works1121 Market St.
DetailsKamintzer, Cohen & Prinz
DetailsKennett, Simmonds & Co.
DetailsKingsland & Lightner
DetailsKingsland and Ferguson Manufacturing Company1521 North 11th St.