281 through 300 of 726 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameAddress
DetailsGouldLouisa1010 Clay Ave.
DetailsGouldNaomi1010 Clay Ave.
DetailsGrantAlabama1006 North 21st St.
DetailsGreavesAnna3103 Lucas Ave.
DetailsGreavesJames3103 Lucas Ave.
DetailsGreavesJohn3103 Lucas Ave.
DetailsGreen912 North 19th St.
DetailsGreenJoseph6 Elizabeth Row, Grand Ave.
DetailsGreenMary6 Elizabeth Row, Grand Ave.
DetailsGriggMary3027 Dickson St.
DetailsGriggSamuel3027 Dickson St.
DetailsHallA.2638 Chestnut St.
DetailsHalletEliza520 South 5th St.
DetailsHancockAnna2335 Scott Ave.
DetailsHancockD.2335 Scott Ave.
DetailsHancockD.2335 Scott Ave.
DetailsHancockMary2335 Scott Ave.