2781 through 2800 of 3310 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst Name2nd Last Name2nd First NameBusiness NameOther Business NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsLeslieW.105 North Ewing Ave., between Chestnut & Pine
DetailsLevyA.A. Levy & Co.2nd & Olive Streets
DetailsLindeR.R. A. Linde Carpet and Furniture Co.910 & 912 Washington Ave.
DetailsLippAlbert2266a South Compton Ave.
DetailsLoaderJohn222 North 4th St.
DetailsLockeJohn105 North 4th St.
DetailsLockeJoseph244 Market St.; 6th St. & Cass Ave.; 113 South 8th; 1423 North 6th
DetailsLockeJoseph113 South 8th St.; 1423 North 6th St.
DetailsLoewensteinHarryVandeventer & Washington Ave.; 2615 North Taylor Ave.; 5943 Clemens Ave.
DetailsLoireP.2226 Washington Ave.; 1312 Pine St.; 501 Clark Ave.
DetailsLoireP.P. Loire Wall Paper & Frescoing Co.2214 Olive St.; 501 Clark Ave.; 2331 Pine St.; 3748 Washington Blvd.
DetailsLongleyN.414 South 7th St., nearly opposite Pacific Railroad depot
DetailsLowWilliamPowell, Lamont and Co.13 Water St.
DetailsLoweWm.125 Vine St.
DetailsLucasJ.J. R. Lucas & Co.
DetailsLudewigWm.Wm. Ludewig & Co.St. Louis Mills1560 & 1562 South 7th St.; corner Carroll & 7th St.
DetailsLuebkeJohnJohn F. Luebke Grocer CompanyOlive St. & Newstead Ave.
DetailsLutgerJohn1405 Carondelet Ave., between Park Ave. & Barry St.
DetailsLuthyJames1201 & 1211 Market St.