2741 through 2760 of 3310 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst Name2nd Last Name2nd First NameBusiness NameOther Business NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsKoenigJulius6471 Florissant Ave.
DetailsKoenigWm.Wm. Koenig & Co.207 North 2nd St., above Pine
DetailsKoenigWm.Wm. Koenig & Co.
DetailsKollmeierF.2612 Chouteau Ave.
DetailsKramerFred1017 North Vandeventer Ave.
DetailsKrenningF.F. H. Krenning & Sons816 & 818 North 3rd St.
DetailsKrenningF.F. H. W. Krenning & Co.Feuerborn & Co.825 Broadway, facing Cherry St.; & 822 North 4th St., opposite St. Nicholas Hotel; 822 North 4th St. & 825 North 3rd St., between Franklin Ave. & Morgan St.
DetailsKrieckhausC.C. Krieckhaus & Co.2701-2705 Lafayette Ave.
DetailsKrippenJohn217 Chestnut St., between 2nd & 3rd
DetailsKriteH.H. R. Krite & Co.507 North Main St., between Washington Ave. & Vine St.
DetailsKroppHugoHugo Kropp's Brewery, Malt House and Bottling Establishmentopposite Missouri Pacific Railroad Depot
DetailsKuehnE.4 North 4th St., opposite the Court House
DetailsKuhlemanHenry69 South 7th St., opposite the Pacific Rail Road Depot & Centre Market; 75 Carondelet Ave.
DetailsKuhsH.H. W. Kuhs & Co.northeast corner of 3rd & Walnut St.; 26 & 28 South 3rd St.
DetailsKullmarJ.1814 Franklin Ave., between 18th & 19th St.
DetailsKuntzN.2644 & 2646 Franklin Ave.
DetailsKupferleJohnJohn Kupferle & Co.600-604, corner 2nd St. & Washington Ave.; 115-119 Washington Ave.
DetailsKuselD.D. A. Kusel Telephone & Electric Manufacturing Co.1105 Pine St.