201 through 220 of 1642 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameBusiness NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsGeo. D. Barnard & Co.1101-1105 Washington Ave.
DetailsGeo. F. Brunner Manufacturing Company2nd St., between Prairie & DeSoto Aves.
DetailsGeo. Gog Boot and Shoe Manufacturing Company217 & 219 Elm St.
DetailsGeo. Taylor & Co.116 Walnut St.
DetailsGeorge W. Godlove & Company114 North Main St.; 115 North Commercial St.
DetailsGerber & Signaigo816 North 3rd St.
DetailsGerst Bros. Manufacturing Co.800-806 Cass Ave.
DetailsGinocchio Brothers & Co.713 & 715 North 3rd St.
DetailsGlaser Brothers700 & 702 Washington Ave.
DetailsGlendale Zinc WorksPlow St.
DetailsGlover & Finkenaur302 & 304 North 10th St.
DetailsGooch Patent Ice Cream Freezers
DetailsGoodyear Rubber Company400 North 4th St.
DetailsGraham Paper Company217 & 219 North Main St.
DetailsGreat Western Oil Works of Cleveland, Ohio1045 North Levee
DetailsGreat Western Planing Mill Companysouthwest corner of Anna & Bismarck Sts.
DetailsGreen & Clark2000-2010 Pine St.
DetailsGriffiths & Wedge
DetailsGus. Frey Blank Book Manufacturer316 & 318 North 3rd St.