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Source: St. Louis: the Metropolis of the Mississippi Valley. The Natural Geographical and Distributing Points of the United States. A Review of Her Financial, Manufacturing and Commercial Interests. The Cause of Her Prosperity and Her Future Prospects. A Brief History of the City from Foundation to the Present Time (St. Louis: Acme Publishing Co., [1894?])
Location: St.L. / 9.17 / Sa24m
Business Name:Cabanne Arcade Company
Building Illustration:No

Source: The John Burroughs Alumni Directory, 1956
Location: St.L. / 373 / J61d
Last Name:Zelle
First Name:Robert
Place of Residence:Nashville, Tenn.
Class Year:1941

Source: Year Book of the Old Cathedral Parish School, 1923
Location: St.L. / 377 / OL1
Last Name:Denona
First Name:Woodrow
Remarks:in roster of students

Source: St. Louis County Medical Society Bulletin, Volume VII, Number 16 (August 23, 1940)
Location: MO / 610.6 / Sa21
Last Name:Marcus
First Name:M.
Middle Name:D.

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