Address Search

Use this option to locate individuals who resided at an address, and perhaps find biographical information and/or images of these individuals. Also use this option to locate a business/corporate name that occupied an address, and perhaps find information about the history of the business and/or an illustration of the building that housed the business. The majority of the addresses are in the city of St. Louis, with a smaller number in St. Louis County.

Searching in Source:
Heroes All! A Compendium of the Names and Official Citations of the Soldiers and Citizens of the United States and of Her Allies Who Were Decorated by the American Government for Exceptional Heroism and Conspicuous Service Above and Beyond the Call of Duty in the War with Germany, 1917, 1919 (Washington, D.C.: Fassett Publishing Company, 1919)

Address SearchNote: You can find a range of addresses by using wildcards.
For example, type 12** in the street number box to find street numbers from 1200 to 1299.

Type a street number (optional).

For optimum searching, omit the street suffix (i.e., Ave., Blvd., St.) from your search.

Type a street name.

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