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DetailsLast NameFirst NameCorporate NameSecond Corporate NameAddress
DetailsMarion-Sims College of Medicine
DetailsSt. Louis Museum of Fine Arts19th and Locust Sts.
DetailsWeber & Groves509 Olive St.
DetailsGrable, Weber & Groves
Details4341 Westminster Place
DetailsWashington University
DetailsSt. Louis Trust Company
DetailsEugene Field Schoolsoutheast corner Olive and Taylor Ave.
DetailsMonroe SchoolBroadway and Winnebago
DetailsEliot School4250 Grove
Detailssouthwest corner 13th St. and Washington Ave.
DetailsLindell Real Estate CompanyButler Brothersnortheast corner Washington Ave. and 13th St.
DetailsWashington UniversitySt. Louis Shoe Co.1009 Washington Ave.
DetailsUnion Market
Details11th Street Realty Companynortheast corner 11th St. and Washington Ave.
DetailsCupples Station Warehouse No. 6
DetailsCupples Station7th and Spruce Sts.
DetailsCupples Station10th St. and Clark Ave.
DetailsMary Institute
DetailsSalomo & Biedermann Hardware Co.1616 South Broadway