141 through 160 of 5997 source records
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DetailsLast Name, Second Alternate SpellingFirst NameLast NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingBusiness Name
DetailsThomas Winn & Co.
DetailsJohn Williams & C.
DetailsMrs. White & C.
DetailsJames Yeatman & Co.
DetailsHenry Wemien & C.
DetailsS. & J. Turner
DetailsNickolas Tomlinson & C.
DetailsHenry Tishon & Co.
DetailsJ. & J. Phillips
DetailsThos. Page & Co.
DetailsPhillip Nessel & C.
DetailsN.E. Janney & Co.
DetailsC. & J. Jacobi
DetailsChristof Hilderbrand & C.
DetailsA. & E. Hildenbrandt
DetailsJohn Hidleman & C.
DetailsJohne Heine & C.
DetailsDoc. W. Gibson & C.
DetailsMichael Fulger & C.
DetailsNickolas Fry & C.