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DetailsLast NameFirst NameAddress
Details2320 & 2322 South 11th St.
Details1627 Carroll St.
Details2411-2413 2nd Carondelet Ave.
Details2415-2425 Columbus St. (now 2nd St.)
DetailsSoulard St., southeast corner Columbus
DetailsSt. Ange Ave., northwest corner of La Salle St.
Details1012 Morrison Ave.
DetailsLami St., southeast corner 11th (formerly Rosatti)
Details2412-2416 South Broadway
Details1232-1236 South 8th St.
Details1626 2nd Carondelet Ave.
Details1824 Kennett Place
DetailsChouteau Ave., southeast corner 2nd Carondelet
Details3144 Iowa Ave.
Details3740 Iowa Ave.
DetailsIowa Ave., west side, between Chippewa & Winnebago
Details3739 South Jefferson Ave.
Details2910 California Ave.
Details2619 Wyoming St.
Details3708 Oregon Ave.