141 through 160 of 2867 source records
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DetailsMaiden NameFirst NameLast NameBusiness NameBuilding NameAddress
DetailsC. L. Walrath & Co.
DetailsC. L. Whittemore Mantel Co.919-921 Pine St.
DetailsC. Lutt & Co.
DetailsC. M. Keys & Co.
DetailsC. S. Severson Printing and Stationery Company
DetailsC. T. Hubbartt & Co.514 Pine St.
DetailsCal Hirsch & Sons Iron and Rail Company212-214 Clark Ave.
DetailsCamden Lumber Company
DetailsCapewell Horse Nail Company12 North 12th St.
DetailsCarbondale Coke & Coal Co.
DetailsCarter & Bowman114 North 4th St.
DetailsCarterville Coal Co.
DetailsCentral Bar
DetailsCentral Mantel Company1008 Pine St.
DetailsCentral Portrait Studio1705 Washington Ave.
DetailsCentral Telephone and Electrical Co.2nd & Chestnut Sts.; 1105 Pine St.; 1123 Pine St.
DetailsChamp Spring Company2108-2118 Papin St.
DetailsChapin & Drummond
DetailsCharles A. Sweet & Co.401-403 North 2nd St., corner of Locust St.
DetailsCharles C. Bishop & Company634 & 636 South 7th St.