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DetailsLast NameFirst NameCorporate NameAddress
DetailsA.W. & H. Lucke Clothing Company2005-2007 Lynch St.
DetailsSchaab's2020-2022-2024 South Broadway
DetailsSt. Louis Seed Co.411-413 Washington Ave.
DetailsTrio Printing Co.3200 South Jefferson Ave.
DetailsEvers Buick Service Co.3702 Gravois Ave.
DetailsWitte Clothing Co.Jefferson and Gravois Ave.
DetailsGevecker Sheet Metal Works5020 Easton Ave.; 1145 Kingshighway Park
DetailsSchroeter Coal Co.2300 Miami St.
DetailsHinton's Pharmacy3016 South Jefferson Ave.
DetailsLaudel & Waser2928 South Jefferson Ave.
DetailsSuedmeyer & Sons Undertaking Co.3934 North 20th St.
DetailsWestliche Post Publishing Co.1130 Pine St.
DetailsZiegenhein Brothers Livery and Undertaking Co.2621-2623 Cherokee St.
DetailsCity Trust Co.1132 Washington Ave.
DetailsWagner's American Theatre12th and Barton St.