321 through 340 of 2809 source records
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DetailsLast NameFirst NameLast Name, Alternate SpellingMaiden NameCorporate NameCorporate Name, Alternate SpellingAddress
DetailsPorcher's restaurant
DetailsLucus MarketLucas Market
DetailsMississippi Valley Sanitary Fair
DetailsHotel Rozier
DetailsCentral High Schoolnortheast corner of 15th and Olive
DetailsFoster Academy
DetailsPage and Bacon
DetailsEugene Miltenberger & Co.
DetailsSt. Louis Type Foundrynorth side of Pine between Main and 2nd
DetailsStifel & Plochmann
DetailsStifel & Benson
DetailsKlymann, Meyers & Co.
DetailsF.W. Aufderheide Commission house
DetailsThe Genuine (tavern)
DetailsSt. Louis Theater
DetailsTheater Comique
DetailsSt. Louis Times
DetailsMissouri Democratnortheast corner of 4th and Pine Sts.
DetailsLippincott's lunch room
DetailsBelt & Priest